Latest Episodes

Ep #34: The allure of Ted Lasso
In this episode I want to reflect on three themes of the TV show Ted Lasso that I think make up part of how...

Ep #33: 5 Min Book Review - The Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold
In this month’s Five Minute Book Review, I give a strong recommendation for Aldo Leopold’s The Sand County Almanac. Leopold is an incredibly insightful...

Ep #31: Five Min Book Review - The Machine Stops by EM Forster
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a world where people constantly shared and consumed video content, for an...

Ep #31: Repost: Conversation with Rob Gurwitt of Daybreak about journalism, media, community, and trust
From the Hanover Happenings podcast: In Hanover, we care a lot about making sure people have information about what’s happening in their community. It’s...

Ep #30 Repost: Conversation with Professor Adam Kleinbaum on the neuroscience of leadership and consensus
From the Hanover Happenings podcast: In this episode I sit down with Associate Professor of Business Administration Adam Kleinbaum at Dartmouth’s Tuck Business School....

Ep #29: Repost: Conversation with NH and VT Secretaries of State on civics, elections, and trust
From the Hanover Happenings Podcast: In this special spotlight episode, I host newly elected Secretaries of State Sarah Copeland Hanzas (Vermont) and Dave Scanlan...