Ep #29: Repost: Conversation with NH and VT Secretaries of State on civics, elections, and trust

Episode 29 November 10, 2023 01:27:32
Ep #29: Repost: Conversation with NH and VT Secretaries of State on civics, elections, and trust
Rethinking with Alex Torpey
Ep #29: Repost: Conversation with NH and VT Secretaries of State on civics, elections, and trust

Nov 10 2023 | 01:27:32


Show Notes

From the Hanover Happenings Podcast:

In this special spotlight episode, I host newly elected Secretaries of State Sarah Copeland Hanzas (Vermont) and Dave Scanlan (New Hampshire) in Hanover to talk about civic participation, elections and voter confidence, public trust, building consensus in polarized climates, and practical ways that people can engage in government. Both Secretaries shared some of their recent and upcoming initiatives, as well as their experience creating bipartisan legislation while serving in their respective legislatures before being elected Secretary of State – Sarah is a democrat and Dave is a republican.

Should all election-related legislation be passed in a bipartisan fashion to build continuity over years? Is there an inherent tension built into the checks and balances of American government? Do decentralized New England governance models help build participation and trust?

For all of the Hanover Happenings updates and episodes, you can visit hanoverhappenings.com. Find the monthly reports, agenda, minutes, videos and more at: Hanovernh.org.

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