Ep 15: The Uncertainty of our legacies and duality of innovation

Episode 15 August 22, 2021 00:48:43
Ep 15: The Uncertainty of our legacies and duality of innovation
Rethinking with Alex Torpey
Ep 15: The Uncertainty of our legacies and duality of innovation

Aug 22 2021 | 00:48:43


Show Notes

Join former mayor, municipal manager, professor, and consultant Alex Torpey for another special Travels with Torpey episode.

Recorded in the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area on the Utah/Wyoming border, Alex reflects on three related topics: 1) The uncertainties of the legacies we leave 2) The duality (positive and negatives) innovations like modern commercial air travel, and 3) How our perception about the scale of the world is a good example of an implicit assumption that we don’t really think about how it filters reality. 

Check out the full Travels with Torpey series, and the full podcast Rethinking with Alex Torpey, wherever you listen to podcasts (Apple, Spotify, Sticher, Google, etc) or at http://rethinkingwithalextorpey.com

To follow along the travels: http://instagram.com/alextorpey.

Further Reading/Sources: 

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