Join Alex for his special series: Travels with Torpey, as he travels across the country meeting different people, exploring communities, and learning about what’s happening all over the United States.
This episode is from my stop in Fargo, North Dakota. I reflect on a few discussions and meetings about various topics while in Fargo, including criminal justice reform and prisoner re-entry, privacy rights, volunteering, rural internet access, and historical preservation. You can find the episode wherever you listen to podcast or on YouTube.
Follow my Travels on Instagram: alextorpey. This episode was filmed/recorded while camping in Custer-Gallatin National Forest, Montana.
Prior to Fargo, I stopped near Cleveland, in Chicago, and camped at Lake Superior in Michigan. Following Fargo, I visited/camped in western North Dakota, TR National Park, and then moved into Montana, starting in Billings and then Custer-Gallatin Nation Forest.
Some additional links:
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